Blenheim Palace Junior Regatta
- 14 June 2017
- Alice Carrington-Windo
Blenheim Palace Junior Regatta, the second of two annual events run by Hinksey Sculling School, took place on Saturday 10th June this year.
Over 400 competitors from 22 different schools and clubs entered this year's BPJR, and the race committee was ably assisted on the day by a team of almost 60 invaluable volunteers - parents, athletes and friends of HSS.
We arrived to a windy lake, and after running a few races side-by-side on our four-lane course the umpires made the decision to change the format of racing to a time trial. Despite inevitable disappointment at missing out on multi-lane racing we were thrilled to get so many athletes on the water, thanks largely to the hard work of our team of 15 umpires.
35 athletes competed in 12 crews racing for Hinksey at BPJR - congratulations to all crews who raced down the course in tricky conditions. Particular congratulations to Bea Myers, Bea Ferry, Alice Channon, Elizabeth Ledgard-Hoile and Meara James, who won silver in the WJ13 4x+; and Harry Gascoyne and Benjamin Zimmer, who came up from the Lake to race at Blenheim!
J14B 4x+: Adams - 6th
WJ14B 4x+: Clark - 7th
WJ13 4x+: Ledgard-Hoile - 2nd, Turner - 5th, Jackson-Jessel - 7th
J13 1x: Gascoyne - 8th
WJ13 2x: Somers - 7th
J14B 4x+: Jack Hastings, Caleb Pell, Annaliese Bischoff and Reuben Adams, coxed by Jacob Taylor
WJ14B 4x+: Hannah Wood, Grace Hawksworth-Pratten, Daisy O'Keefe and Sarah Clark, coxed by Nia Matthews
WJ13 4x+: Bea Myers, Bea Ferry, Alice Channon and Elizabeth Ledgard-Hoile, coxed by Meara James
WJ13 4x+: Maryam Lyden, Alice Godley, Tasha Cooper and Georgia Jackson-Jessel, coxed by Ruth MacGregor
WJ13 4x+: Rahaf Nazzal, Rosie Megaw, Leonie Rittscher and Abigail Turner, coxed by Alice Purvor
J13 1x: Harry Gascoyne
WJ13 2x: Emma Somers and Phoebe Maslen
WJ12 1x: Ambre Astruc
J12 1x: Jack Bridgen-Ward
Junior 2x: Benjamin Zimmer and Ewart Rees
WJ11 1x: Iris Winterton